What is the Cigar City FOOLS?

The Cigar City FOOLS are a group of diehard firefighters dedicated to the job and the brotherhood it is famous for. We offer low cost training to fellow brothers and sisters hungry for more than what may be available through our respective departments. We are also dedicated to keeping the spirit of fellowship alive in an ever growing rank of firefighters through social events and charity fundraising

What kind of training do you offer?

We are committed to offering an ever growing variety of classes both hands on and classroom style. Previous offerings include extrication, search, elevator rescue, Man vs Machine, Polite Forcible Entry and more. We have also offered lectures featuring guests discussing leadership, tactics and some of the mental struggles associated with our profession.

Why should I join?

While all our classes are open to the public, being a member gets discounted pricing and early opportunities to sign up. You also become a voting member in who runs the organization and the direction we go.

What else?